
If you know of literature that is missing from the following lists, even though you think it fits, we welcome references.

Lived experiences with UBI & other unconditional payments:

Blomberg, Helena / Kroll, Christian and Tarkiainen, Laura (2021). Life on basic income-Interview accounts by basic income experiment participants on the effects of the experiment. In: O. Kangas, S. Jauhiainen, M. Simanainen, and M. Ylikanno (Eds.), Experimenting with Unconditional Basic Income. Lessons from the Finnish BI Experiment 2017-2018 (pp. 150–168). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Retrieved from
Bohmeyer, Michael and Cornelsen, Claudia (2019). Was würdest Du tun? Wie uns das Bedingungslose Grundeinkommen verändert - Antworten aus der Praxis. Berlin: Econ.
Bruckner, Tim A / Brown, Ryan A and Margerison-Zilko, Claire (2011). Positive income shocks and accidental deaths among Cherokee Indians: a natural experiment. In: International Journal of Epidemiology, 40(4), 1083–1090.
Calnitsky, David (2016). “More normal than welfare”: the Mincome experiment, stigma, and community experience. In: Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue Canadienne de Sociologie, 53(1), 26–71.
Calnitsky, David and Latner, Jonathan P. (2017). Basic income in a small town: Understanding the elusive effects on work. In: Social Problems, 64(3), 373–397.
Foley, Douglas (2005). The Heartland chronicles revisited: the casino’s impact on settlement life. In: Qualitative Inquiry, 11(2), 296–320.
Hamilton, Leah and Mulvale, James P. (2019). “Human again”: the (unrealized) promise of basic income in ontario. In: Journal of Poverty, 23(7), 576–599.
Hill-Dixon, Amanda / Davis, Hannah / Patel, Gitanjali and Boelman, Victoria (2020). The Voices of Basic Minimum Income. A report evaluating experiences of a B-MINCOME trial in Barcelona (Executive Summary). Barcelona: The Young Foundation.
Retrieved from
Hill-Dixon, Amanda / Davis, Hannah / Patel, Gitanjali and Boelman, Victoria (2020). The Voices of Basic Minimum Income. Executive Summary (Executive Summary). Barcelona: The Young Foundation.
Retrieved from
Hossain, Naomi / Brook, S. / Garbarino, S. / Notususanto, S. / Noor, I. R. and Seda, F. (2012). The social impacts of Cash Transfer Programs in Indonesia. Australia - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, DFAT / Oxford Policy Management, OPM.
Retrieved from
McDowell, Tom and Ferdosi, Mohammad (2021). The Impacts of the Ontario Basic Income Pilot: A Comparative Analysis of the Findings from the Hamilton Region. In: Basic Income Studies.
Owusu-Addo, Ebenezer / Renzaho, Andre MN and Smith, Ben J. (2018). The impact of cash transfers on social determinants of health and health inequalities in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review. In: Health Policy and Planning, 33(5), 675–696.
Riutort, Sebastià / Julià, Albert / Laín, Bru and Torrens, Lluís (2021). B-MINCOME pilot final results (2017-2019). Combining a guaranteed minimum income and active social policies in deprived urban areas of Barcelon (EXECUTIVE REPORT). Barcelona: Direction of Social Innovation, Area of Social Rights, Global Justice, Feminism and LGBTI Affairs, Barcelona City Council.
Retrieved from
Shinyama, Loini Ndeshipanda (2020). Reducing dependency when implementing the basic income grant in Namibia: views of Social Workers and Administrative Officers (Thesis). University of the Witwatersrand.
Retrieved from
West, Stacia / Baker, Amy Castro / Samra, Sukhi and Coltrera, Erin (2021). Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration. Preliminary Analysis: SEED’s First Year. Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration SEED.
Retrieved from
Wolfe, Barbara / Jakubowski, Jessica / Haveman, Robert and Courey, Marissa (2012). The Income and Health Effects of Tribal Casino Gaming on American Indians. In: Demography, 49(2), 499–524.
Retrieved from
Y Combinator (2017). Basic income project proposal: Overview for comments and feedback. Y Combinator Research.
Young Seong Yoo / Sungjin Yun / Wonho Jeong / Kyoseong Kim / Seungho Baek / Jeonghee Suh / … Jooyoung Ma (2020). Analysis of the Policy Effects of Youth Basic Income in Gyeonggi Province (II) : Comparison of the Ex-ante and Ex-post Surveys (Policy Studies 2020-78). Suwon: Gyeonggi Research Institute.
Retrieved from

Lived experiences without UBI & other unconditional payments:

Nevertheless informative regarding UBI

Daniels, Eva / Franzmann, Manuel and Jung, Matthias (2010). Die “Krise der Arbeitsgesellschaft” in Interviews mit Adoleszenten. Welche Auswirkungen hätte ein bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen auf ihr Leben? In: M. Franzmann (Ed.), Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen als Antwort auf die Krise der Arbeitsgesellschaft (pp. 167–196). Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft.
Retrieved from
Evans, Patricia M. (2009). Lone mothers, workfare and precarious employment: Time for a Canadian Basic Income?. In: International Social Security Review, 62(1), 45–63.
Garcia-Murillo, Martha A. and MacInnes, Ian P. (2021). Consumption Patterns under a Universal Basic Income. In: Basic Income Studies.
Leuven, Federica Rossetti-KU and Leuven, Tijs Laenen-KU (2020). An unconditional basic income? How Dutch citizens justify their opinions about a basic income and work conditionality. In: Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy.
Retrieved from
Linnanvirta, Suvi / Kroll, Christian and Blomberg, Helena (2019). The perceived legitimacy of a basic income among Finnish food aid recipients. In: International Journal of Social Welfare, 28(3), 271–281.
Matthew, Johnson / Dan, Degerman and Robert, Geyer (2019). Exploring the Health Case for Universal Basic Income: Evidence from GPs Working with Precarious Groups. In: Basic Income Studies, 14(2), 1–11.
Retrieved from
Ribeiro, Diamantino / Costa, António Pedro and Ribeiro, João Filipe (2020). Qualitative Analysis Concerning Universal Basic Income - Perceptions in Portugal. In: European Journal of Marketing and Economics, 3(1), 72–86.
Tracy, Shildrick and Robert, MacDonald (2012). Poverty and Insecurity: Life in Low-Pay, No-Pay Britain. Policy Press.
Ullrich, Carsten G. (2002). Prospects for popular support of basic income (in case of unemployment). In: 9th BIEN International Congress, Geneva (pp. 12–14).
Retrieved from
Welfare Conditionality Project (2018). Welfare Conditionality Project 2013-2018. Final findings report. York: Welfare Conditionality Project, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of York.
Retrieved from

Scoping Reviews:

Gibson, Marcia / Hearty, Wendy and Craig, Peter (2018). Universal basic income: A scoping review of evidence on impacts and study characteristics. Edinburgh: What Works Scotland.
Retrieved from
Gibson, Marcia / Hearty, Wendy and Craig, Peter (2020). The public health effects of interventions similar to basic income: a scoping review. In: The Lancet Public Health, 5(3), e165–e176.
Pinto, Andrew D. / Perri, Melissa / Pedersen, Cheryl L. / Aratangy, Tatiana / Hapsari, Ayu Pinky and Hwang, Stephen W. (2021). Exploring different methods to evaluate the impact of basic income interventions: a systematic review. In: International Journal for Equity in Health, 20(1), 142.


Other qualitative-reconstructive research on UBI

Cigna, Luca Michele (2022). Looking for a North Star? Ideological justifications and trade unions’ preferences for a universal basic income. In: European Journal of Industrial Relations, 28(2), 129–146.
Gebauer, Ronald / Petschauer, Hanna and Vobruba, Georg (2003). Wer sitzt in der Armutsfalle? Selbstbehauptung zwischen Sozialhilfe und Arbeitsmarkt (2., unveränd. Aufl). Berlin: Ed. Sigma.
Merrill, Roberto / Neves, Catarina and Laín, Bru (2021). Basic Income Experiments: A Critical Examination of Their Goals, Contexts, and Methods. Springer Nature.
Müller, Matthias (2011). Sozialpolitische Innovationen. Zum Konflikt von Strukturen und Deutungsmustern. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Retrieved from
Opielka, Michael / Müller, Matthias / Bendixen, Tim and Kreft, Jesco (2010). Grundeinkommen und Werteorientierungen: Eine empirische Analyse (2nd ed.). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Rossetti, Federica / Roosma, Femke / Laenen, Tijs and Abts, Koen (2020). An unconditional basic income? How Dutch citizens justify their opinions about a basic income and work conditionality. In: Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, 36(3), 284–300.